Bank Guarantee - an irrevocable written commitment of the Company to make a payment of a certain amount to the recipient under the guarantee upon presentation of a payment request in accordance with the terms of the guarantee.

Requirements for the borrower:

  • Presence of entrepreneurial activity
  • Work experience in the financed sphere for at least 3 months/6 months.

List of main documents:

  • Copy of the passport of the borrower and spouse, guarantors (if any) and the pledger with the spouse, if the pledger is a third party
  • Documents on the marital status of the borrower
  • Patent, or certificate of registration of a private entrepreneur
  • Documents for the real estate transferred as collateral (registration certificate, title documents, certificate from the State Register on the absence of a ban)
  • Registration certificate for vehicles transferred as collateral

Additional documents for legal entities:

  • Certificate on registration of a legal entity
  • Charter, memorandum of association
  • Decision of the authorized body on the formation of a legal entity, on receiving a loan and transferring property as collateral
  • Certificates from the State Tax Inspectorate and Social. fund on the absence of debt
  • Financial statements (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement, Cash Flow Statement, Statement of Changes in SK).

    For all questions related to the provision of guarantees, you can call: 0 (312) 88 72 72, 0 550 39 16 34, 0 772 39 16 34, 0 706 39 16 34, or contact us at the address: Bishkek, Chui Ave. 134-12