Need a business development loan in Bishkek? ZAO Microfinance Company "INKOM" provides a business development loan. The loan provides for financing production, increasing turnover and providing services in various areas.
Terms of providing a loan for business development:
- Currency: som/US dollar
- Amount: from 20,000 - 100,000 som (without collateral)
- from 100,001 to 1,500,000 som (with collateral)
- Interest rate: in som - 34% per annum;
- Loan term: from 1 month to 3 years;
- Collateral: Real estate
- Effective % rate (annual) from 37.14 - 46.89% (som), from 21.81 -30.55 (usd)
Required documents:
- Copy of the borrower's passport, the borrower's spouse;
- Certificate of residence;
- Mandatory documentary evidence of income:
for private entrepreneurs: copy of the certificate of registration of a private entrepreneur/patent;
- documents that can indirectly or directly confirm the fact of receiving income (lease agreements, cash book turnover, internal accounting records, etc.);
- Title documents and technical passport of the real estate provided as collateral;
for the guarantor a certificate is required from the place of residence (HOA) and a certificate of salary or documents confirming income (if employed in private business.
For detailed advice, you can call: 0 (312) 88 72 72, 0 550 39 16 34, 0 772 39 16 34, 0 706 39 16 34, or contact us at the address: Bishkek, Chui Ave. 134-12