CJS Microfinance Company “INCOM” offers micro financing the products and services to entities and individuals in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.  The priority direction of the Company activity is the small business micro financing, the support to young entrepreneurs.  Also CJS “MFC” INCOM” actively supports the traditional business development in our region, especially in agriculture.

In developing its credit programs CJS “MFC” INCOM” is focused on the customer needs, the situation in the microfinance market of Kyrgyzstan and the average market interest rates, thereby creating the most favorable and actual products the ultimate aim of which is to support the development of small business in Kyrgyzstan and the whole welfare of our country.

In order to continuously improve the processes of main activities CJS “MFC” INCOM” develops new financing programs adapting the microfinance conditions for sector, national and regional features.

CJS “MFC” INCOM” is a dynamically developing microfinance company which aims to provide microfinance services according to the international quality standards.  The main difference of CJS “MFC” INCOM” from other institutions providing similar services is the individual approach to each client and a short time for application processing.

The company was founded in 2010 in the form of a limited liability company and was a microcredit company.  In 2012, the founders decided to transform the microcredit company into a microfinance company with the regulatory legal form of closed joint stock company.  Currently, shareholders of the company are 2 individuals - residents of the Kyrgyz Republic.  In July 2015 LLC Microcredit Company “Eurozaim” was reorganized through merger with CJS Microfinance Company “INCOM” in accordance with the Order of the Chui-Bishkek Department of Justice.

The company mission:

To promote development of small and medium businesses in Kyrgyzstan through granting credits and facilitating to overcome poverty.

The Company objectives:

The main objective of the Company is to make profit through establishment of sustainable financial institution that meets modern standards and requirements and provides affordable microfinance services to overcome poverty, increase employment, promote entrepreneurship and social mobilization of the Kyrgyz Republic.