Need a loan to repair a house? On the construction, reconstruction and repair of real estate (warming of walls, installation of plastic windows, replacement of roofs, etc.), purchase of building materials and so on.

Advantages of the loan from ZAO IFC "INCOM":

  • FREE calculate the exact cost estimate for the construction calculator (developed by IFC);
  • FREE provide training video films from professional builders for quality work;
  • ВYou will receive DISCOUNTS for building materials from our accredited suppliers.

Terms of a consumerloan:

  • Currency: KGS/USD
  • Amount: KGS 5 000 – 1 500 000 (equivalent in USD)
  • Interest rate in KGS: 34% perannum, USD - 23% p.a.
  • Loanterm: 1 month – 3 years;
  • Collateral: RealEstate
  • Эффективная % ставка (годовая) от 37,14 - 46,89 % (сом), от  21,81 -30,55 (usd)

Required documents:

  • Copy of the borrower’s passport, copy of the borrower wife’s (husband’s) passport;
  • Local municipal statement of residence;
  • Mandatory documentary evidence of income:

for individuals: proof of employment on work experience and level of income for the last 6 months;

for private entrepreneurs: copy of the private entrepreneur’s certificate on registration/patent;

documentsthat can directly or indirectly confirm the income (lease agreement, turnover under cashbook, entries in internal accounting, etc.);

  • Legal documents and technical passport of a real estate provided as collateral;
  • For guarantor: proof of residence (condominiums) and salary statement or proof of income (if engaged in private business).

For a further advice, please, call: 0(312) 39 16 34,0550 39 16 34,0772 39 16 34 or contact: 134-12, Chui Ave., Bishkek.

Online Application

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