Microfinance Company “INCOM” offers loan for business development. The loan would finance production, increase in trade turnover and services in various fields.

Terms of a Loan for business development:

  • Currency: KGS/USD
  • Amount: KGS 50 000 - 500 000(equivalent in USD)
  • Interest rate in KGS: 35 % per annum, USD-23 % p.a
  • Loan term: 1month –3 years;
  • Coll at real: RealEstate

Required documents:

  • Copy of the borrower’s passport, copy of the borrower wife’s (husband’s) passport;
  • Local municipal statement of residence;
  • Mandatory documentary evidence of income:

for private entrepreneurs: copy of the private entrepreneur’s certificate on registration/patent;

  • Documents that can directly or indirectly confirm the income (lease agreement, turnover under cashbook, entries in internal accounting, etc.);
  • Legal documents and technical passport of a real estate provided as collateral;

for guarantor: proof of residence (condominiums) and salary statement or proof of income (if engaged in private business).

For a further advice, please, call: 0(312) 39 16 34,0550 39 16 34,0772 39 16 34 or contact: 134-12, Chui Ave., Bishkek.

Online Application

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