Once Almagul Derkembayeva worked as a seamstress. And she dreamed of opening her own sewing workshop and giving her children a good education.

The young woman has five children. In order to raise her children on their feet, Almagul worked tirelessly. Having worked as a seamstress for more than 10 years, Almagul decided to open her own sewing workshop at home. In May 2013, Almagul turned to the microfinance company "INKOM" for her first loan and opened her sewing workshop. Then Almagul took out the next loan, with the help of which she was able to increase turnover. Today, Almagul is one of the successful clients of the company "INKOM".

In the near future, Almagul plans to build a room for a sewing workshop, purchase sewing machines. And thereby provide new jobs. And in her free time, Almagul loves to cook and babysit her grandchildren