The euro rate, following the dollar, has also been falling for the second day in a row – in one day the currency has fallen by 20-70 tyiyn.
This morning, in the capital’s exchange offices, according to data for the last two hours, euros are being bought at 76.5–77 soms (the average rate is 76.6 soms), sold at 77.4–78.1 soms, and in some places at 81 soms (the average rate is 77.9 soms).
In the in commercial banks euros are bought at 76-76.8 soms, sold at 77.5-78.5 soms.The official exchange rate has increased by 0.21% over the past day, to 77.6924 soms. The ruble exchange rate has remained virtually unchanged over the past day, and has grown slightly in some places, maintaining its current positions. Inexchange offices the capital, the Russian currency is bought at 1.070-1.092 soms, sold at 1.095-1.110 soms. In commercial banks purchase is 1.07-1.08 soms, sale is 1.11-1.13 soms.
The official exchange rate of the ruble over the past day has increased by more than 3% (+3.69%) - from yesterday's 1.0629 to 1.1021 soms today.
The exchange rate tenge over the past day has remained generally unchanged. In exchange offices , the Kazakh currency is bought for 0.20-0.2480 som (average rate - 0.2387 som), sold for 0.25 som (average rate - 0.2570 som). In commercial banks , the tenge is bought for 0.15-0.23 som, sold for 0.25-0.28 som. Official rate - 0.2526 som (a decrease compared to yesterday's rate by another 0.36%).